
Monday, March 15, 2010

Daylight Savings Time

Sunday morning Bella woke up at 10:00 a.m!  As if we needed another obstacle in her sleeping patterns!  Then she went on to not take a nap at all the whole day.  Great!  She'll go to bed early right?? Wrong!! You just can't figure out this sister!  Just when you think you do, she changes it up on ya! She went to bed at 10:00 p.m. Actually very easily though.  Man this girl wears me out, but I love that little girl more that ever!!!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's been awhile!

Well.....have things gotten better? Not really! She still does not want to go to bed until about 10:30 on a daily basis. Now when we close her door she comes right out and opens it. I guess we need one of those door know deals that makes it hard to open.  We aren't really trying to put her to bed too early anymore because it just doesn't work!!! Some nights I let her sleep with us. Some nights we lay down with her. We do have one more imaginary friend!! Alice!  She saw her very first movie....Alice in Wonderland. She and Trace both loved it. So now we have Alice and Paige sleeping in her bed and there's always the chance that you are laying on one of them. They are always up to no good. :)Last night Trav was laying down with her, while Trace was with me in our bed.  He said it didn't go too well. He said she kept handing him boogers. "Here Daddy! My booger!" It's day-light saving time today and it's 9:15 a.m. and she's still asleep!! I am sure this whole time change thing will help tons! Really folks, what it all come down to is she is a strong willed little booger!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

We're still at it!

Well last night we figured out if we just let her call for us about 500 times in a row, she will finally give up and fall asleep!  It was 10:30 but, hey she fell asleep! Not to mention she had to wear Bubba's Spiderman pants to bed. I don't know why she loves those, but she has really attached herself to them. We have to dig them out of the dirty clothes so she can wear them!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Guest blogger-Daddy Trav

I'm a little nervous about blogging. Kt said her blog is read by millions around the world and that she's received comments from the Obamas, Brad and Angelina, and Candy Muret. Last night, I attempted to put the Tasmanian Devil to bed. I turned off all the lights thinking that would somehow soothe the savage beast. I got in bed with her, rolled over towards the wall, hoping she would ignore me, and closed my eyes, filling my sweet dreams with images of Katie and me back in college, when we could go out and party and be care free teens. Not more than a second later, and Isabella was sticking a tea cup over my ear, saying "Daddy's tea." I sighed, knowing I was in for a long haul. I rolled over towards her and made her put the Snow White tea cups on the floor. Back to the wall and to my dreams of young Kt and Travis at Joes on a Friday night. Low and behold, the little terror started sticking her feet in my back with her razor sharp toe nail, yelling "Chocolate Milk, Chocolate Milk." "No," I told her, still dreaming of the Fowl Thing and the Cheese Fries and my young, beautiful wife in her Zeta Tau Alpha shirt. Of course, that wasn't the end of it. She started yelling "Shirt off," and when I obliged, she moved onto "Bean Shirt," which meant she wanted me to go to the laundry and dig out the Jelly Bean shirt that she's worn for the last 4-5 days straight. Being the sweet father I am, I told her I would go get the Bean Shirt for my sweet, demanding Princess. "Okay Daddy," she said. I snuck away under the cover of dark, through the living room and the kitchen and into the hall outside the laundry room. There, I hesitated, and asked myself, "Are you a good person or a bad person?" I chose bad person, going into our bedroom and getting into bed, leaving Isabella to a shirtless night and me to a night of wonderful, college dreams in Stillwater.

It's 8 a.m., and she's still asleep.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I'm not taking a nap!

Over the couple of snowy days where we pretty much just stayed home, Bella took a nap some days and some days NOT.  I swear she doesn't get tired!  One day I peeked into her room to see what she was up to, because it was quiet and I just knew she was sleeping. What did I find her playing in the corner with her castle and Little People.  SHe looked at me like, "I'm not taking a nap Mommy!"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Now this is funny!

Many of you know that Trace has a best friend named Paige.  Last night Isabella and I were playing and she kept saying, "Paige!" "Here Paige!" "Hold Paige Mom." "Paige in my room!"  At first I didn't know WHAT she was talking about, but then I realized that she was talking to an imaginary Paige.  Paige did everything with us last night. She even jumped on my bed.  Silly Paige! Bedtime came and we played a quick game of Disney princess memory in her bed. It was so funny because she kept saying, "Paige's turn!" "Good Paige!"  Well...then bedtime came and I asked her where Paige was sleeping. On the pillow next to hers of course! I am thinking that this could really help to have Paige to talk to every night in her bed! HAHA! I kept talking to Paige and saying, "Look Paige is already asleep! Good job Paige!" She went to bed fairly easy again only  calling for us a few times. Trav laid down with her for only a minute and ASLEEP!!! Thank you Paige for all your hard work! See you again tonight!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday night

I think I just need to come to grips with the fact the little Bella is a night owl. Me-not so much!  I think she gets tired around 10:00 or so and if we put her to bed around 10:00, she goes to sleep pretty quick. If we put her to bed at 8:00, she will cry, fuss, get out, etc. for hours!!!! So last night I put her in bed at 9ish thinking she was getting tired for sure.  I put her in there and did the whole routine. I told her I'd be RIGHT back. I was going to see how long she would let me do that. I went to check on her because she was pretty quiet.  I peek down the hall and she is standing quiet as a mouse by her bedroom door.  I put her back into her bed and she screamed and got right out. We repeated this about 6 times in a row. I wanted to see if she would keep doing that. that would be a YES. So i asked her if she wanted me to lay down with her for a minute. I did and she fell asleep pretty quick. I know it was before 10:00.  So I planned on staying a few extra minutes so I would not wake her up when I got out of her bed. It kind of makes a noise when you get out and I didn't want her to wake up!  Well....I guess I fell asleep because next thing I know Travis is standing over me asking me if I was asleep. I wake up and start saying, "No I'm not." It was almost 10:30, so I guess I was ready for bed too!  She slept all night!!! Hooray!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday Night

Bella did NOT take a nap today because we had a bday party at 2:00 and she went too.  She fell asleep on the couch at 7:45!!! I waited a little bit before I knew she was good and asleep before I moved her to her bed.  It worked!!! Yea!!! She slept so well until....... around 4:00 am in the morning I heard some noises in the kitchen. I told Trav I heard something and could he go check it out. He didn't hear anything.  He went in the dark kitchen and little Bella was standing there in front of the fridge making these strange noises with her mouth. Why??? SHe wanted chocolate milk of course!!! After that we brought her in our bed and she asked for chocolate milk, followed by apple juice . This went on until about 5:30. Back to sleep and then up at about 8:00 or so?

Last 3 nights! (Got a little behind)

Friday night the kiddos slept in a tent in our room!  Trace of course fell asleep first and then Bella a while later. No big drama tonight!!

Poor Bella was sick on Thursdayand went to the doctor and found out she had an ear infection.  Sweet girl was tuckered out and fell asleep while sitting in a chair right next to me!! I turned and looked and couldn't believe my eyes!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Last night

It seems like however early or late we put Bella to bed he always falls asleep around 10:30 or so. Isn't that weird?? I have so many friends that tell me their baby goes to bed at 7:00. Never my children!  I put her in bed at 9:00 hoping for the best. Trav said it was too early for her. Well I guess it was. She was a little under the weather last night and had a very runny nose.  She went through the whole yelling, "Where my mommy go??"  "Where my daddy go?" If you heard this it would break your heart. It is the cutest and sweetest thing ever.  Trav was sitting in the living room and kept thinking that her crying was coming closer, but she wasn't coming in.  Trav got up to see where she was and he saw her heading back to her room with Ernie in  her hand.. Poor baby!  She got up at 2:30 to say her ear was hurting. I went in and laid down with her and tried to help her get back to sleep. I took her to the Dr. this morning and he does indeed have an ear infection. That would be the reason for all of the snot! Hopefully one the anitbiotics kick in she'll sleep better tonight. Hopefully! I hate it when my babies are sick. Oh yeah-Trace is also home with a cough. He is acting totally fine, but sounds like a barking seal.   My poor babies!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

All by myself......don't wanna sleep....all by myself

Tonight was the night that Trav and I decided we needed to get HARD CORE!  NO sleeping with her. Since she hasn't been going to sleep until pretty late or even getting tired until late, we decided to start the routine a little late.  As luck would have it, she had a very runny nose so we gave her a tsp. of Benadryl. What luck right? She'll probably fall asleep in the living room or playing. That would be a NO!  We gave it to her at 8:00 and I just kept on looking for sign of sleepiness, but NONE.  Two hours later she was still awake. Well.. I was ready for bed, so off she went to her bed.  All by herself.  It was pretty sad. She kept yelling, "Mommy!!!" "Mommy!"  Then she started with, "Daddy! Hold You!" We resisted. "Hold YOU!" We resisted. She never came out of her room! That was a major accomplishment!   I went in there once and she had taken off her pj shirt and I gave her another and laid her back down. She cried pretty hard for about 45 minutes or so, with little bits of quiet. I went in at 11:00 and she was asleep!  Actually this was one of the BEST nights. Hopefully it will only get BETTER!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Teacher said...

Bella went to school today.  When Trav picked her up the teacher came up to him and said, "Bella is a model student!"  Now, I don't really know what a model student means when you are two, but really?  I guess she does play well with others except for her brother sometimes. Then they went on to say how well she does at nap times!!! What?? Are you sure we are talking about the same child?? So funny!

Daddy's night

Trav went to her room and started the routine. After lights out, she started kicking the wall. "Ouch!" "My foot!"  "Doctor!"  I'm guessing she wanted us to call the Dr. since her foot had been so badly injured. JK.
She then went on to change her clothes FOUR times.  Trav was half asleep and then she got out of bed to change her pj's.  Trav said she would yank on the pair that she had on like they were so painful and then get out to find more.  He said it was probably 11:00 or so when she finally went to sleep. This is getting out of control!!! Tonight-we leave her room. Oh I'm sure it will be bad, but this is crazy!  We aren't helping her sleep. I guess we've helped her stay in there and not leave, but she's awake forever!!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Nap time today!! Hooray!!! With a little help from Barney Bella fell asleep in about an hour, which is success!  Look at that sweet girl! Cozy bed!

Mommy's turn

Last night was not too bad!  After brushing her teeth, Bella was ready to pick out her books. I told her two books.  Guess what she picked? The book I made! It was pretty cute. We were going to read that anyway, but that was the ONLY book she wanted. We said our prayers and then lights out. She had to turn the lamp off. Have you noticed that she likes to be the one in charge?  So it begins.  I am trying to go to sleep and close my eyes. I tell her it's time to go to sleep. She kicks off the covers only then to say,"I'm cold!" She then started, "Momma, what you doing?" "I'm sleeping Bella."  A few minutes later, "Momma what you doing?"  "Sleeping Belle." She'd then say, "Nite Nite time!" "Bella's cozy bed!" She would laugh that cute little laugh and then I would think how special these times really are. Even though they are long hard nights I am trying to cherish them as much as I can because I know she won't need or want us like this forever. I think her feet were kicking or touching me all night long. She woke up at about 5:30 and asked for a bow. What? For your hair?  I think she was still asleep. Then she said, "Book!"  Ok here's your snowman book. I hand it to her and she says, "No!"  Ok. "Frosty Snowman Book!" (the one I just gave her!) Ok. Here it is. She hugged it and closed her eyes and went right back to sleep. She woke up at about 7:30 ready to get up.  I asked her if she was ready to eat and she said, "Cold pantake!" Strange child! She likes the frozen ones??  Crossing my fingers for todays nap!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Poor Bella! You can tell she doesn't feel good. She tried to put up a fight. She asked me to get her watch for her nap, but by the time I found it and brought it back to her room she was asleep!  Like the quickness, but not the sickness! :)

Night #4

If you read the last post you know that she did not take a nap yesterday when we put her down after lunch. Although she DID fall asleep about 4:00 on the couch. We didn't let her sleep long. We went out to eat and then started our bedtime routine.  I know the whole bedtime routine is important and the new book I bought said that you could make a chart or book out of the routine to show your child. Why not?  So yesterday I made a mini book about Bella's bedtime routine.  I cut out pics from magazines and wrote little sentences like, "Bella takes a bath," "Bella brushes her teeth," "Bella reads two books,"  "Bella says her prayers," etc.  When we get to the read two books step, Trace says he wants to read to her. Ok. He also wants to sleep in her bed or at least lay down for a while with her.  Ok. After the two books, the lights go out and they lay there a minute. Seriously about 5 minutes later, Trace panics and decided he CAN'T sleep in there!  It's not his bed!  Trace! You are messing up the routine!!!! Great! So Trace leaves her room and guess who follows?  Little Bella of course. So into the living room she comes. Trav and I decided we would take turns on Bella bedtime duty. Tonight Trav was on duty. Me helping of course. Around 9:00 they go in her room.  He gets in bed and she lays there a few minutes and says, "Book!" "Two books!" Trav gets her two books. A couple minutes later she says, "Phone!' Mimi's phone!"  She wants this old cell phone that my mom gave her to play with. Then she starts talking away on the phone. To who? I don't know, but she was talking away.  Trav fell asleep before her I think. I had gone and laid down with Trace for a minute and then went to check in on them around 10:00. They were both ASLEEP!!! Thank you Jesus!    Trav says that around 4:30 she decided she needed juice. Trav poured some into a sippy cup and she said, "NO!""Big cup!" I told you she was a demanding little toot!  Back to sleep and she woke up around 8:15 with a FEVER!!!! Can I get a break?????

Saturday, January 16, 2010

1st nap in her big girl bed

I put her in her bed after lunch around 12:45 or so. She didn't really throw a fit!  She called for us. She got up and knocked on her door, I thought that was funny. We kept waiting. She has to fall asleep! 2 hours later she knocks some more. I go and open the door and she has thrown everywhere and found her lipgloss and has it all over her face. She was sitting at her little table. She looked at me like, "Mom  I never took a nap!"

4:00 -fell asleep on the couch! OH sister you aren't sleeping long!

Night #3

Friday night!  Trav needs to get up at about 4:45 to take Papa Hollis to the airport. We have to get her to bed early tonight!  We go to Books a Million for a book on getting toddler to sleep.  We bought the book, No Cry Sleep Solution for toddlers and Preschoolers.We'll see how much of a difference that makes!  I take her to bed a little after 8:30 to read some books and lay down with her.  She went to school today and she's always more tired and goes to sleep easier sometimes. She only gets a short nap there. After reading an Abby Cadaby book, I tell Bella it's time for night, night and turn out the light. I try not to make any noises and turn away from her, pretending to sleep.  I am ready to stay there all night to avoid any big fits.  She is moving, kicking off the covers and singing, you name it!  Then as I am pretending to sleep, she starts jumping on the bed!! It was so funny! She needs her water. She talks. She sings. She kicks the wall. "OW! My foot! " Then she realizes she misses Daddy. My Daddy! My Daddy! My Daddy!  Over and over and over and over and over. Trav is trying to sleep in the other room of course after a while hears her. He comes in and she continues, "My Daddy!" over and over again. He is right there!! I don't get it! He lays on her pillow next to her and I'm on the other side. Daddy! "Off my pillow!"  Trav scoot midway down the bed in a little ball.  She keeps saying, "My Daddy!" We have no idea why.  So- we decide to take her into our bed where Trace already is. He sleeps with Mommy and Daddy on Fridays.  Bella and I join already sleeping Trace and try to go to bed. Trav goes to Trace's bed.  Crazy! I know!  then Bella is at it again, "My Daddy!" It didn't last that long this time and then she went to sleep around 10:45.  Tired!!!

2:30-She wet the bed through her diaper! Super!  I run to get a new diaper and a towel to put under her. I change her and hope she goes back to sleep. She usually will. It usually getting to sleep that's her problem.  Well.... She starts yellling, "Bella want!' "Bella want!'  She wanted something. She would not tell me what.  She siad this SOOOO many times. Apple juice? Water? WHat?  Travis hears from across the house and come to see what is going on.  After a long list of no's she finally says yes to chocolate milk. I don't think she had any idea what she was wanting. Then back to sleep! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Night #2

We thought maybe, just maybe that if we let her watch a little Barney on her mini DVD player that maybe she'll fall asleep in her bed.  No! We put her in her bed at 8:30 and she fell asleep at 11:20!!! Yes, an improvement from the night before but we can not do that every night.  No TV for Bella. That kept her up, I think!

I know it's hard to believe, but this sweet face can throw a mean fit!

Night #1

Her room looks so cute!  We are all excited.  Her bedtime has kind of disappeared here lately, because she has been getting out of bed to be "reset" for a while. Lots of times this has been Travis because he stays up later than me.  So we put her in her new bed and she yells for us. Then of course she gets out of her bed and comes into the living room.  We then go into her room and try to lay down with her. She did NOT want that at all. She wanted to go into the living room and watch Barney with Daddy!  Trav and I are both laying in her bed trying to convince her how cozy it is, but she just kept yelling. When I say yelling, I mean yelling!  There is no ignoring this and going in the other room or going to bed.  It's awful!  She's quite a determined little toot. So Trav takes her into the living room and sees if a little Barney will calm her down.  Well.... she didn't fall asleep until midnight!!! I really don't know if this is just a strong willed child or if she needs NO sleep at all!! After going to bed this late, you would think she would sleep late. NO. She woke up at 5:45, but she did go back to sleep shortly.  So far the big girl bed is not helping in her hatred for SLEEP!  It's not the bed, just her. :)

The Big Switch

Well.....little Bella hasn't been loving her crib lately. She screams! She yells! She calls for us! She doesn't go to sleep! She wants to watch Barney!   This goes on for hours and then, way too late she goes to sleep.  We figured it couldn't get any worse. Right?  She inherited a double size bed from Great Mimi and we decided to try it out!  She kept saying, "Bella pink bed!" "Bella pink bed!"  She was excited! She jumped like a monkey on the bed. She likes jump in her "cozy bed" as she calls it.  This is going to work !  We thought.